Saturday, May 22, 2010
My First
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
As you create a home, don’t get distracted with a lot of things that have no meaning for you or your family. Don’t dwell on your failures, but think about your successes. Have joy in your home. Have joy in your children. Have joy in your husband. Be grateful for the journey." ~Marjorie P. Hinckley
I saw this quote recently online and it struck me. I am getting better about this. I really am. I used to worry about things "matching" or going well together in my house. To an extent, I guess I still do, but now I mostly buy things that I love. It doesn't matter what other people think of your house, because if you love it, then it works. It's home. It's what brings joy to your life. Aside from your husband and kids, that is. :)

My joyous living room. I've become obsessed with wire baskets. I want some more. They seem to look great with just about anything in them!
Like this one to hold towels
Oh, if only I was going to the flea market this weekend! {Sigh} Maybe it's best that it didn't work out. I probably would have found too many things to buy. Right?? :)

Monday, May 10, 2010
A new sign
A Goodwill find {not sure what language this was on here…German, maybe?}:

From Trash to Treasure

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Chalkboard Renovation
Hi there! I thought I'd start off by showing you one of my first projects. When I started looking at my pictures to write this post, I realized that if I'm going to do tutorials, I think I should take more pictures! So, hopefully things will improve as I continue on here.
First of all, I started with this nice rooster (can I get a "cock-a-doodle-doo"?) picture from Goodwill for $1.99. No offense to those who like roosters or rooster prints, but I was aiming to make myself a chalkboard.
Then I took some acrylic paint I had on hand and painted the border. It took a few coats.
Here's what that looked like. I didn't bother taping the inside since I knew I'd be painting that too
I let this dry and taped the border so that I could paint the inside. I used a spray can of chalkboard paint (found it at Home Depot) and followed the directions. Sorry no pictures of the process. Might have been entertaining ones though! I usually try to squeeze in my projects in those tiny little pockets of time during the day (or late night) when I don't have all three girls needing me.
I did have to sand lightly in between coats of chalkboard paint since you could faintly see the outline of the rooster.
Let dry and "season" by rolling chalk all over surface. Write a message, menu, store list or whatever your pretty little heart desires.
Sorry, I know you can't see the bottom border of it since it's propped above my cabinets, but it's the same as the top. Overall it was a cheap and fun way to add some height in my kitchen.
ETA: I am working out the kinks with my pictures and editing software. Please bear with me. I am computer illiterate!
ETA {Part 2}: Ha! It's late. That's my excuse. I want to add that I did take some sandpaper to the edges and border of this after it was all dry to lightly distress it. The end. I promise.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
A Giveaway!
P.S. Stay tuned for another giveway here soon!