This is how it all started. My fascination with signs. And my inability to find the kind of signs I wanted. I have many pictured in my head. Finding the time to create and paint them is the problem. I have decided to paint my own. {And will paint one for you too if you’d like} I can pick my own shapes and sizes and colors and fonts and so on.
A Goodwill find {not sure what language this was on here…German, maybe?}:

Wow! You are very talented! The sign looks great. Looks like the original was Pennsylvania Dutch or German. I would love to have you paint me a custom sign for my studio! Check your email.
Thanks for entering my giveaway. Good luck!
Yes!! I want one!! But I don't want it to say "Pietila" on it. ;)
Hey JoLynn - I was blog hopping and came across your blog. You are so creative! I'll definitely be checking back here to check out your projects!
~ Trisha
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